How to build a six figure consultancy whilst holding down a full time job!

How to build a six figure consultancy whilst holding down a full time job!

Spoiler alert…. you can’t!

Do you want to become a consultant with no expertise and no time whilst holding down a full time job and bringing up 35 children whilst only working 3 seconds a week but bringing in a six figures each year?

How to build a six figure consultancy whilst holding down a full time job!

Really? Who writes these hideous, sickening, blindingly dishonest sales headlines?

More terrifyingly, who believes them and proceeds to spend hundreds or thousands on a “consultancy blueprint” that will show them exactly how to achieve this?


Yes, you absolutely can create a six figure consultancy business, but in my view it needs the following in place for this to be achieved:

  • A real expertise in your chosen consultancy subject matter;
  • Time to work on the growth of your business; and
  • Time to find the right formula for your clients when you experiment until you know what does and doesn’t work (usually a number of years)

If you have these in place, you can build a good consultancy business.

If you are still looking for the answer to the yellow box above, you need to spend more time on facebook. You should be presented with about 20 advertisements just like that one offering you the Holy Grail of a six figure consultancy with no effort on your part in no time at all.

If you want to build a grown up, sustainable consultancy based on a real expertise, you can download my 8 strategies for a six figure consultancy guide by clicking the button below. Another spoiler alert though; you will actually have to do some work. If that’s you, come on board.

Click Here to Download My 6 Figure Consultancy Guide :>>