Buying Trainers And Optimising Your Google Adwords Campaign
I needed some new casual trainers. I thought it would be easy, that was until my 15 year old son told me that I wasn’t allowed to choose them on my own.
I could take offence at that. No, wait, I did. But I also trust his judgment. He is heavily into his clothing and trainers are his ‘thing’. He loves them. He insisted that he came with me.
We visited about four different shops and I noticed a recurring theme. Nearly every pair I selected he poo pooed but then suggested a pair which to me looked just like the pair I had just shown him.
This confused me, immensely, until I realised what was happening.
I was looking at trainers through my “untrained, just buying something to put on my feet” eyes, whereas he was looking at them through his “they have to be absolutely perfect; smart, casual but gorgeous” eyes, his ‘specialist’ trainer buying eyes.
It made sense then, and I was quickly able to relate it back to my business.
Frequently when I am reviewing an Adwords campaign on a Google Adwords Optimisation Call, I will point out several things that instantly jump off the screen and shout to me “this campaign is failing badly because of A, B, C and D”. To the business owner, they look at what I suggest and think “OK, I can see it might make a difference, but really, will it be the difference that transforms my campaign from a ‘nearly doing well’ campaign to a ‘campaign performing exceptionally well’ one?”
I know it will.
I see Google Adwords Campaigns through the same eyes that my son views trainers. I have been running them since 2004, so I have seen a lot, and I know what makes the difference. I am a specialist when it comes to Google Adwords.
If you want to go trainer shopping, you need my son Samuel. If you want your Adwords Campaign to fly, you need me.
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