If you have taken the decision to work with Utility Warehouse, you have likely landed on this page because of a search for “Utility Warehouse How To Get Customers?”.
Well, you are in luck, as here we share with you the best ways for you to get customers, often the easier, less dooshy ways to approach people about helping them to save money by becoming a Utility Warehouse Customer with you.
Whilst Utility Warehouse’s method seems to be about approaching everyone you know and selling hard, there are other, more gentle ways.
That being said, of course, your first few customers are likely to come from your existing network, but there are then other ways of getting out into the world and meeting other people that you can help to save them money with Utility Warehouse.
First, let’s look at how you should approach anyone, however you find them.
1. Don’t Sell
Nobody likes to be sold to, do they?
You know the type of thing, you walk into a room, someone comes at you from the other side spotting new blood with their hand out wide then dives into a conversation all about themselves and then tries to sell whatever it is that they have to sell.
That is not the way to do it.
The first thing to be said about getting customers as a Utility Warehouse Partner is that you don’t want to be asking for the sale.
Instead, you want to be dropping into conversations how much money you saved your friend Carolyne with her families mobile phone bills, or how much John was able to trim off his broadband bill or how much extra money Mary has each month now that she moved her house insurance to you.
Selling any product or service is always much easier when you talk about how much you helped your clients, not about you or your service.
So that is rule number 1 when it comes to getting new Utility Warehouse customers.
2. So How Do You Get More Utility Warehouse Customers?
Now that you know how to approach winning new customers, let’s look at some easy ways for you to expand your reach.
2.1. LinkedIn
Whilst LinkedIn is primarily considered a business to business networking tool, every single person on LinkedIn is a potential Utility Warehouse customer.
The process to follow on LinkedIn is simple, and once you have your profile properly set up, should take no more than 10 minutes a day.
Here is the summary of the process:
- Ensure that your profile is as complete as possible;
- Connect with all former clients, colleagues and all family and friends;
- Connect with every new prospect that you speak with whilst on the telephone with them or in person (whether they ask you to help them or not);
- Connect with other potential clientswho fit your ‘ideal client’ profile; and
- Post consistently to LinkedIn(once a week/fortnight as a minimum).
What are you going to post?
Well, for a start, you now know that you are not going to be selling, but you are going to be:
- Talking about how much you have just saved someone on their broadband/mobile/home insurance bills;
- Commenting on pricing trends, for example when energy prices are rising, you will talk about this as someone inside the industry. You might share some energy saving tips, then of course mention that one of the best ways to keep bills down is to move provider, and you can help with that one with a free savings quotation.
LinkedIn is a cost effective (free) way of connecting with your prospects, old colleagues, all family and friends and keeping in touch with them so that they remember you exist when they do decide to change energy provider.
2.2. Your Email List
Whilst LinkedIn is a great connection tool, you do not own it.
You see news all of the time about how facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn change their algorithm and suddenly people who previously had a very high profile become invisible.
This is because you do not own the social media platform, someone else does.
This is why you MUST grow your own email list and communicate with it on a weekly basis.
If this thought scares you, it shouldn’t.
You are going to be sharing precisely the same information that you will share on LinkedIn, just this time you will be sending it from your email marketing software.
You can download my complete guide to email marketing free of charge by entering your details below:
2.3. Networking
There are so many networking groups out there, but please remember the first rule of getting more Utility Warehouse customers, Serve Don’t Sell!
Be the one that listens, that connects people, that genuinely cares and helps.
Networking is a long term game, but if played well, it will work well for you.
You might need to try 10 different networking groups before you find one that you feel fits you and your personality, so don’t give in if the first one that you try out doesn’t gel with you.
It is like dating, you have to find one that connects well with you, and that rarely happens on your first ever date.